Another FaffCon has come and gone and …WOW, they just keep getting better and better. Each and every FaffCon holds a special place in my heart. My friend and fellow “Faffer” Brad Venable wrote in his latest blog how “transcendent” the FaffCon experience can be. Definitely check it out. Many people, including myself, have either had a similar experience, will have a similar experience, or experience this transcendence every single time. Pretty cool.
This FaffCon took place at the Westward Look Resort and Spa in Tucson, AZ. A place that seemed to get more beautiful every time I turned around. Thanks to a year and a half of acting classes, where I learned deep relaxation/meditation techniques, I was able to take full advantage of the meditation labyrinth.
IMG_1385I also enjoyed a massage and my first ever facial (Didn’t know what to expect, thought it might be silly, but actually …ITS AWESOME). These experiences were a great way to start the unconference. All of this (plus the learning opportunities, reconnecting with old friends, making new friends) as Joey Schaljo so eloquently described it… “exfoliated my soul!” Haha, brilliant!!
Upon returning home, the goal is to keep that momentum going. For me this means taking a day to rest, collect my thoughts, and reflect on all that I learned and experienced. Once that day is done, its time to begin putting it all to work. My first task is follow-up. Plans get made while at an event such as this and I find that following up immediately with the people with whom I made those plans is critical. Next, I go over my notes and set goals. I also write a blog about it. 😉
Some goals will be simple, easily attainable and require just a small amount of effort. Other goals will be bigger and the ingredients needed to achieve them will need to simmer awhile to develop. Voiceover is, after all, a Crockpot career. As a relatively new solopreneur, goal setting, list-making and tracking will need to become a part of my everyday routine. Thanks to all that I learned from so many amazing people over this past weekend, I should have an easier time with all of it. I’m so grateful to everyone who shared their experience and expertise over the weekend. More importantly, thank you for your love, support and friendship. It isn’t often that, as adults, we make friends who will last a lifetime. Over the last few years, thanks to FaffCon, I have made several.
What’s next? I’ll be heading to Nashville on October 5th to co-teach a workshop with Joe Loesch. Nashville is a great city and I’ve heard they might even have a recording studio there should I need to use one. 😉 After that, I’ll be heading to Ft. Myers for the November to Remember VO Event hosted by Randy Thomas. In December, I’ll teach a voiceover workshop at my acting home, Screen Artists Co-Op. Then, almost before you know it, FaffCamp in San Antonio!
I look forward to seeing everyone again very soon! I wish you all phenomenal success in your VO career.