Too many people in the VO business get stuck in their little padded rooms and feel like they can barely make it out for air. Not Peter O’Connell. Not only does he travel the U.S. regularly, but when he comes to town, VO talent leave the comfort of their studios and flock to hang out with him.
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Peter, Diane Merritt, Lauren McCullough and Lisa Biggs last night. Let me tell you, when these great talent come into the room, the conversation flows faster than Asheville’s French Broad River on a stormy day. I would simply like to say, thank you for a great night. I can’t wait to see all of you again very soon. Perhaps the VOXY Ladies Mixer in Asheville and/or FaffCon in Charlotte?!

…and speaking of meals with VO friends.
Here is a long overdue shout out to Melissa Exelberth and Liz DeNesnera who treated me to a late lunch at the world famous Carnegie Deli when I was in New York City last month. Love you girls!

For those who follow my blog and for newcomers… I know I haven’t been posting much lately. I feel sick about it. Truth be told, there has been a lot going on… some good (travel, family time and of course work), some not so good (car accidents and other things that are hopefully now largely in the past). I do hope to get back to blogging regularly again soon.
Thank you to all of my voiceover family, friends and to the VO community for your support and for your friendship!